Mount and blade finding bandit lairs
Mount and blade finding bandit lairs

>Me and a Footguard unit put more pressure on the riflemen >One of our line infantry units heads up to take them on >Suddenly a line of blue pants Austrian light infantry appears on the hill and starts volleying us >Me and teammates skirmish with Austrian line infantry and riflemen over the ridges

mount and blade finding bandit lairs

>Seeing the kill log, it's not looking good for our fight for the hill >Fighting in a snowy map with a central hill surrounded by plains with ridges.

mount and blade finding bandit lairs

>Go with the faithful gray Rhen line infantry >Ve are ze Prushans fighting ze filthy Austrians >Playing some napoleonic wars, commander battle I'm not sure I can ever play napoleonic wars again after tonight. You are a fucking cancer that is killed this thread, just accept it, learn to restrain your diarrhoea and move on. Now there are people that disagree with you, and you think that you MUST make then shut up, for reasons you can't even post because you know they can't justify your behaviour. You didn't magically force anything, and people didn't magically accepted your decision. There is no one "crying" when people call ACOK shit because it's already the general opinion here. >at least ACOKfags don't cry when people call ACOK shit So, yeah, you can't be more sensitive than that, my cancerous friend. You just started ranging throwing fits and sperging out because you arbitrarily decided to start another shitposting crusade.

mount and blade finding bandit lairs

You didn't deny that what I said here >187872014, you didn't try to reply to what what the other guys said about those mods. You mean like the kids who were having a seizure only because a couple of guys were talking about it? The only hyper sensitive people I see here are you shitposters. No, but I wanted to read about a mod I know nothing about, but after some interesting posts you kids started releasing your diarrhoea while foaming at the mouth. Link to the OP in your post so that it might be easier to find for the one making the next OP (also for regular people). OLDER BANNERLORD INFO/VIDEOS: See Pastebin/the sub-forum READ THE PASTEBIN BEFORE ASKING QUESTIONS. mbg/ - Mount & Blade General Anonymous 01:22:04 Post No.

Mount and blade finding bandit lairs